For all the moms and dads looking forward to the first parties dedicated to their little ones, I can imagine your excitement and how much you-d like to make this day memorable.
This is a list of ideas for original or particularly cute favors you can find and order online. You can also go straight to my Etsy favorites here: LINK
If you decide to buy any of the products through the links in the text, I will make a small profit at no cost to you.
Simply confetti
Cute bags
With personalized tags
Edible favors
Honey, nutella, creams
Decorated biscuits, macaron, chocolate
lolly pops
Tea, spices
Small objects
hand made pendents
Small plants
Smelling good
Bags with lavender or other herbs
Hand made soap
Essence burners
Other useful items
Personalized towels
Are you looking for more alternatives? check out my Etsy board. I constatly update it with the most fabulous items I find: LINK